Board and Batten Exterior Window Shutters
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Old-World Style, Modern Protection from the Elements
Bold dimensions. Colorful character. Rustic flair. That’s what you can expect of custom board and batten shutters from Louver Shop.
Add charm with decorative shutters. Or defend against wind, snow, and other elements with fully operational models.
Whichever style you choose for your home, all of our board and batten window shutters are made to your specifications. And you can expect them to last season after season because they’re made in the USA.

A Traditional Style, Customized to Modern Taste
Board and batten exterior window shutters are one of the most popular shutter styles in the United States in large part because they defend against the elements.
But when you purchase your board and batten shutters from Louver Shop, you’ll get customization options to make your shutters your own.
We’ve been ranked #1 in design assistance and understanding customer needs.* That means you can count on our professionals to work with you.
Shutters Made Just for You
- Material: Composite, vinyl, aluminum
- Color: Standard or custom
- Width: Custom
- Height: Custom
- Styles: Operational or decorative
Make Them Your Own: Premium hardware, Z bars, extra battens, arch/radius tops
These shutters come in a range of customizable configurations, including colors, shapes, and sizes. Schedule a free, in-home design consultation with one of our professionals today to discover more.